Public Performance
Public Performance
Public Performance
Earth Art Publication
Earth Art Publication
2009 Future Vessel
Kawaguchi Art Gallery ATLIA +
Kawaguchi West Junor High School
Kawaguchi-city, Saitama, Japan
April-December, 2009
Exhibition: Oct.22- Nov.23, 2009
creating Future Vessel in collaboration with 137 students of Junior High School
in progress with students
All the 1st years of junior high school assembled at the atrium for Ichi Ikeda's first lesson. At first, pointing to the river flowing beside the school, Ichi had a question to all students; From where, to where, this river is flowing? And he added two questions and asked students to examine these three questions more closely.

3 questions to students and you:
1) From where and to where is water
under your feet flowing now ?
2) Why is the water shortage occuring?
3) On 2025, 48 counteries are supposed
to suffer from serious water shortage.
What and how can you do for that?
producing his/her own 80 liters Water Box
Through Ichi Ikeda's lesson, 137 students learned lots on water problems and 91 percent of them stated that consciousness on water problems and action in their daily life changed. And then, considering the following information on water crisis, students challenged to make each 80 liters Water Box for someone living on the earth of 2025 A.D., after 16 years.
*'80 liters of water' implies 'Water as Fundamental Human Rights', and is the minimum ration needed to support the daily life of each person living on the earth. However it says that three fourth of the world population can use only 50 liters of water or less because of low water supply.
* On 2025, as a result of the increase of the world population, demands of water will reach to 1.4 times as much as nowadays. 48 countries in the world are supposed to suffer from serious shortage of water.

loading 137 Water Boxes & oars on Future Vessel
137 students were invited to be just 'crews' of Future Vessel. Imaging the critical moment to row out into the stream, they made each oars by bamboo and loaded them in Future Vessel. And next, most important loads, 137 pieces of '80 liters Water Boxes' were loaded on the floor and along the wall of Future Vessel.